Merrill Creek 5/26: LAKE TROUT BEATDOWN:
Took out a home equity loan and went to the bait store. Wilson and I on the water in the pea soup before 7am. Set the hook in about 60 FOW and had 3 lakers to the boat by 7:30am. Action was hot and heavy EARLY. Had fish blowing up on chummed livies all around the boat but only connected on small stockie browns, at least 6, lost count. Made a wiggle on the anchor and came in shallower. Action died off as fast as it started. Total I think was around 10 lakers between Wilson and I ranging in size from 15" to 24" and at least half a dozen small browns. Some guy weighed in a 5lb. brown at the ramp. We were off the water by 11am, short and sweet.