Maddhatterr and I hit the lake around 6:45, on the hook in 50 FOW by 7am. We had 10 dozen herring in the boat. PLENTY of run offs, PLENTY of lake trout. I think we had at least 10 lakers only keeping our limit. We got 1 broodstock brown, or should I say 1/2 each ! I reeled it in, fish had my line and Hatters, maybe a 4 or 5lbr. ! It's always funny when I slap down a pack of #8 hooks (Mustad 3906) and say, well, that's all the tackle we'll need for today. We missed about a dozen run-offs, swing and a miss (small fish ?)
Weather held off till the end when we got a few rain drops, left 'em feeding
Had plenty of BIG blow ups around the boat but couldn't cash in. Hatterr broke his laker cherry and said "hey, these fish do fight like beach towels"
Stopped by the F&G office and saw Mark B. Just wanted to let him look at 24" lake trout with NO fin clips at all (that means natural reproduction) Good to see Mark B., always rolls out the welcome mat !
I got some video from today but I need to download some circus music first before I publish it, when you see the video you will know why