Trouting Comic Relief
Well I got out on Saturday on the Wanaque with acabtp and provided some great comic relief for the others also there to catch some stocked trout. Started the day off as the first one on the water and had fishing rising all around me and I couldn't get anything to bite. Another guy shows up and boom lands a fish on bait right away and I'm thinking great I didn't bring bait and its going to be one of those days. So I move down to get away from the crowd and cast my lure right into a tree and when trying to get it out I snap my rod in half. That about forced me to run home to get another but acabtp was kind enough to let me use one of his extra setups. Throw my lure on and in 2 casts tangle the hell out of the line. All the while acabtp is catching fish about every other cast along with everyone else on the river around me. I have now spent more time breaking and untangling line than I have fishing. Finally get the setup back good to go, get a great cast, and before I know it I'm hooked up. Get the fish about to the net and watch it shake the hook...awesome. Two casts later hook up and get the fish to the same point and boom off. Figuring this has to get better cast again hooked up...three strikes I'm out. The guy across the river is just cracking up and I just throw the net over my head. I didn't give up landed the next three fish and called it a day at 9 am. Turned out to be a beautiful day and caught some fish after some serious frustration looking like a total amateur guess I need some more coffee next time or to just remember to bring my brain with me. Icing on the cake would have been if I fell in.
Last edited by Sigma1073; 04-15-2012 at 11:09 PM..