Weedweedyanda - 4/14
Hit waywayanda today from 7:10 -3:00. First time there in a VERY long time and was my third time on my kayak. Ended up being gorgeous out. Had five pickerel, 8 fighting sunfish (pumpkinseed and the regular variety), and a very healthy perch (approx 11").
I missed on pickerel right next to the yak, about 7 feet off. Saw him hit and set the hook, but the thing shook off under water after three cranks or so. Was a beast of a fish. Arg.
Had a great day though... Many many weeds, and be careful of rocks. My yak is inflatable so I'm ultra careful of rocks and the trebles on my lures. Lip grips for the picks worked really well, especially on the agressive one that gill hooked (inside gill) up to the second treble hook. Went in from behind the gill plate and successfully retrieved the lure (6" fire tiger rapala slash bait) and saved the little dudes life. I was very happy about that.
Sounds like good stuff all around the state! Keep up the awesome fishing, people!
Last edited by dboyd101; 04-14-2012 at 10:47 PM..