Too low to stock?
When it comes to stocking the brooks and creeks around the state, when do you suppose the NJDFW will see the same thing most of us already know? The little brooks are just too low. Who decides to halt stocking what amounts to trickles and not flows. Some of the small brooks that are scheduled for stocking again next week only have inches of water in them now. In my opinion, it would be a waste of a tremendous resource to stock 10 to 12 inch trout in water that is more suited for minnows. Usually these little waterways are not stocked after the second or third week because it's then that the water gets too low or too warm with dipleated oxygen levels. Those conditions are with us now. There are some brooks that simply should not be stocked with trout if they are too low. That's just my opinion. Those fish might be better spent if they are stocked in major waterways instead or maybe the amount of fish that go into the brooks can be cut back.