Passaic River Question
I mainly fish salt water - BUT the boat is not in the water yet SO I thought I'd give the Passaic a try for PIKE and SMALLIES....
I don't know the Passaic AT ALL. I hear stories...below the falls...above the falls...
So here are a couple of questons I have and am hoping SOMEONE can help. I am thinking of going Sunday to try it out.
1. Areas: I am not looking for spot burning or specifics. General areas, but not "above the falls" or "below the falls" ...Easy access spots where I can fish from shore with success....
2.Bait: Live? Lures? Where do I buy shiners?
3. Setup - I was going to use a seeker spin cast rod that I normally use for fluke. It is spooled with 20 lb braid. Steel leaders recommended for Pike?
Any info is helpful - I would like to catch fish...and am looking for straight up honest advice.