Carnegie Lake 2/21/2012
Caught and released 34 fish in 44 degree Carnegie Lake yesterday afternoon with my 9 cent lure on 2 lb test line: 17 white perch to 9.5", 9 crappies to 9", 5 yellow perch to 9", 2 bluegills to 6", and an 11.5" largemouth bass. That's 84 fish in 2 Carnegie Lake trips this year for a 42 fish per trip average. A lone cormorant was in my spot. As soon as the main flock arrives, fishing will be no good. An old Chinese couple from Staten Island, NY, fishing to my right, caught and kept 2 big largemouth bass, a big crappie and white perch with live shiners on bobber rigs. They are there almost every day and will kill all of the big gamefish in the lake. A few years ago they used 6 fishing outfits, but the fish stole 2 of them. Yellow perch are now staging for spawning.