Not fishin' yet
Left RI Navy Yard this am. On way down south. This leg should cover all the deepwater stations from NY Bight down to Hatteras and back once we get the nets wet.
This new boat is really very impressive. After being on some of the less than impressive Research Vessels in the past it's nice. This boat is the 2nd of 3 "acoustically quiet" boats. And it is quiet compared to the "old" technology.
I was chatting with one of the old timers - back in his first years they would use a mercury thermometer to take water temps, wash his clothes in a bucket, have no access to the outside world...
and no one on this boat writes the regulations either.
somebody should get the old guys on the board "senior" member status
Last edited by shresearchdude; 03-18-2008 at 05:29 PM..