Brown trout spawning:
Brown Trout spawn in rivers and streams during the fall (October-November) and prefer cold spring-fed streams. Eggs are deposited in a redd and fry usually emerge in March. They are generally sexually mature at 3 years of age with an average length of 15 inches. Brown Trout are very piscivorous (fish eating), and long-lived which accounts for them reaching large sizes. They are highly regarded by anglers as a trophy trout. Typical coloring is olive-green to dark brown on the back with silvery sides and pale spotting. All colors intensify at spawning time.
For the wide variety of foods the Brown Trout will eat, it can be very difficult to catch. For one, many larger browns are primarily nocturnal feeders, and, for two, during prolific insect hatches, Browns can be extremely selective about what they'll eat.