Originally Posted by gamblerkeith
hey you want to start with me thats fine i know i will win i have seen you fish..... if that that is what you want to call it!!!!!!!
First and foremost.......YOU started with me. You sent me a PM. You didn't make the cut for the trip. The reasoning behind who DID make the cut are CLEARLY listed in the original post in this thread. If you have an issue with that then it's on YOU. Then you jumped in the thread saying why you're NOT getting in to the thread?????? If this thread or ANY thread is below you then stay the _ _ _ _ out of it; simple enough, no???????
As for jumping on the LAB BASHING bandwagon......join the club. You've
NEVER seen ME pounding my chest saying I'm a good fisherman. I'm the originator of the LAB LIMIT (1 fish). But I sure don't remember you (or any other mate) refusing the money when I win a pool and give ALL OF IT to you?? It's a long list of people who talk trash about what I catch but I've NEVER seen you catch anything. I fish for fun. Watching other people fish/netting their fish is your job; stick to it! You'll never make it in Stand Up Comedy!
Personally I don't think it's very smart for a mate who makes his living off fishermen coming on to a fishing website alienating customers who put money in your pocket? I would think you'd be better served being a good-will ambassadeur for the boat you work on??
Rant over......now back to picking on these wanna-be Tog Stars!