Last year around this time I caught a big channel cat on a rat-l-trap while casting around in the bay.
Ever since, Nick has been eager to revisit and target the cats. This would be the first channel he's caught.
First try targeting them is a success, after chunking up a few perch and soaking them on the bottom, we get a hit maybe 20 minutes in.
The fish took off but it came unbuttoned as soon as Nick got the rod out of the holder. : (
Another 10+ minutes in and this time the rod is bouncing again, Nick reels in and after some powerful runs trying to get back down deep, we net this giant.
I get two myself, one smaller one and then a better one but not the same class as Nick's.
The next day we tried again and i scored another slob.
Two bonus pike on the chunks of perch too, one smashed it as I reeled it back in to change spots.
I also checked freshwater drum off the species list.
I forget the weight on the two bigger ones, Nick's was over 25 lbs i recall?