Party Boat In The River
It was not a very nice day on the ocean today (Monday). There was a party boat (Paramount I think) fishing in the Manasquan River today across from the doggie beach. I'm sure it was drifting in other spots as well, but that's where I saw it. It must have been a charter or a bunch of fishermen who just wanted to fish despite fishing only a stone's throw from the dock.
There were times when the Manasquan River was a very productive winter flounder fishery and the river was paved with party boats. That was mostly in the spring. It was just weird to see party boats from Point Pleasant and Brielle anchor at the edge of the channel near the golf course and just west of Bogan's dock.
I also remember a spring run of bluefish several years ago in the Manasquan Inlet that attracted party boats from Belmar, Point and Brielle to drift in the inlet with fishermen jigging for those "racer" blues.
For those of you who remember flounder fishing in the Shrewsbury River, I'm sure you have a few memories to share about that.