Originally Posted by DMac
Thank you everyone for your support with petition i started it, and yes i was on virtual meeting and yes i had my hand raised for comment and no i was never called on for comment. Also i spoke to a few other who couldnt raise hand from mobile device and were unable to do so.
I didnt even know donating funds was option as i signed it when started petition as leader. Just to let everyone know i do not need funds. Any collected will be donated to an local childrens fishing charity or recreational fishing charity. If anyone has any other suggestions i am open to it. It isnt significant money but i will assure every dime will go to cause as stated above.
Thank you for your support. I am not sure this will work, but i know doing nothing wouldnt either. Its gaining momentum lets keep it moving should hit 1000 signatures in 24hrs of being live and rate keeps increasing. I cant thank you enough for supporting it and i will fight my hardest to get our voices heard.
Good for you Dmac lead, follow or shut up and get of the way!!
You even got Frugal to part with 3 bucks.... If he did, wonders never cease and maybe this has some legs!