FISHERMEN/Much better fishing today. Tuesdays Report
FISHERMEN/Much better fishing today. Tuesdays Report
Started out in a new area first thing this morning, first drift we landed the Pool fish for the day, a beauty at 6 pounds three ounces.
Caught a handful of keepers and a bunch of shorts then the sharks & skates took over. Took a ride looking for another line of fish we could work, finally found the life and slugged away the rest of the day on shorts & keepers.
Bill V, Richie and a couple other customers had their three by days end. Bunch of guys with two and some with one.
Nice breeze out there but Hot as hell once we got back to the dock......Remember, the Stick is often copied but NEVER duplicated!
Sailing everyday 7:30am till 2:30pm Open Boat, No Reservations just come on down. Fare is $80.
Back at it in the AM.
Capt. Ron