perch fest today
My friend kevin called me and said lets try a different lake today so we met at dows in the morning and got bait and other stuff and off we go. We get there just as the sun was coming up over the trees and start drilling holes and set a few tip ups to see where they were. We found them after a short time and drilled some more holes and it was game on the flags were slow at first and i found the fish holding in 10 fow just off the shoreline they wanted the jig and meal worm more than they wanted the minnows on the tip ups. Kevin was getting the slime darts on the tip ups and i was jigging for the perch. Kevin got a 24" slime dart and three other pickerel and one small lmb we also got some of the perch on tip ups as well. The sunnies were playing nice as well i stopped counting at 20 of them and it was not even lunch time yet. As fast eddie says '' IF YOU WANT FLAGS TO FLY THEN FIRE UP THE GRILL" and they did we ended up having a late lunch because the flags kept going up. We ended up with 16 perch and 1 crappie for the table. Kevin took better photos of the days events than the one i took at the end of the day we will try to up load them at a later time but i will include one that i took just before the cleaning chores. The perch were 8" to 12 and a half inches. it was a great day to be out there today...
Last edited by icebadger; 02-18-2021 at 10:42 PM..