The Green Brook 12/8/19:
Central Jersey Stream Team
12/8/2019 - The last big cleanup of the year for CJST is in the books. Together with the Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership, Greenbrook Township, and other partners, we again tackled the blockages along the Green Brook between Greenbrook Twp and Middlesex Borough. Still a lot of litter from the drainage area and junk from dumping and flooding.
With over 70 volunteers on a chilly day we collected 17 tires (including one monster heavy equipment tire, see photo), about 75 bags of trash, and 50 bags of recyclables. Larger items included a mini fridges, a recliner, plastic table, a utility sink, several plastic and metal chairs, a metal door, various waterlogged cushions, car bumper, various plastic buckets, crates and containers, hoses and pipes, lumber, kids toys, hundreds of styrofoam pieces, and lots of other junk. All piles together would probably fill the 20 yard dumpster (not including the tires).
A big thank you to all of our 2019 volunteers and partners