Sea Bass Reg Update/Last Call for JCAA Fluke Tourney
As many of you are aware, at their May meeting, the ASMFC voted in favor of mandating stricter regulations for sea bass. More specifically they voted to reduce the bag limit to 5 fish for all states in the northern region during November and December. NJ would have been forced to reduce its limit from 15 to 5 fish despite the fact that we were not chiefly responsible for the overage in the quota for our region in 2016. This decision was very discriminatory towards NJ because Massachusetts season is closed during that time period, Connecticut already has a 5 fish limit while Rhode Island would only have had to reduce from 7 to 5 fish. New York would have been forced to reduce from 10 to 5 while NJ would have taken the brunt of the reduction going from 15 to 5 fish. Fortunately, the ASMFC must have realized that each state in the region is supposed to have equal cuts or increases in the quotas and at their August meeting they reversed themselves. Therefore, NJ will not be forced to take a cut and our 15 fish limit for November and December will remain in effect.
Also today, (8/4) is the last day to sign up for the JCAA fluke tournament. You have until midnight and you can sign up online at Don’t miss out on a chance to win $50,000 cash in our doormat fluke category. All entrants who attend our awards ceremony on 8/10 will also have a chance to win a Starcraft boat, Yamaha motor and a Yacht Club trailer. You don’t even have to catch a fish to be eligible!
Paul Haertel JCAA Board Member/Past President