Multispecies weekend
I went out saturdaty to a spot I had been to before but never fished at with a longtime friend of mine. It was hot but the breeze was nice and the water was clearer than I expected it to be after all the rain. We went for bass for a few hours, caught two but they weren't really biting. So we switched panfish because they were everywhere! I caught over 40 pumpkinseeds, bluegill and redbreasts all on one pink and one gold trout magnet. My buddy caught 12, fished for 6 hours and just enjoyed every minute of it.
Sunday i had 15 minutes to kill so I hit my local creek spot. I was using another trout magnet, the hole was full of rainbows, and what do I catch? A perch?? I've been fishing the same creek for 12 years and I've never caught one before. I think it came upstream from somewhere else because the water level has been pretty high lately. Switched to a spinner and caught a fiesty 12 inch rainbow on the third cast.
It was a beautiful weekend, hope everyone got a chance to get out there! Tight lines!!