JCAA ALERT - POTS OFF THE REEFS AND FLUKE The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) is meeting next week to discuss two issues that are of great interest to recreational saltwater anglers. There will be a session on Monday, December 12th at 3:30 - 5:00 PM to take final action on New Jersey's request for Special Management Zone status for the 13 artificial reefs located in Federal waters. The purpose of the request is to remove fixed commercial fishing gear from the reefs. Conflicts caused by the presence of fixed gear has caused a suspension of funding to the NJ Artificial Reef Program.
The other issue is the proposed reduction in the summer flounder quota for 2017. This session will be held at 1:00 - 3:00 PM on Wednesday, December 14th. A two fish limit at 19" with a significantly shorter season is on the table. This is a draconian measure that will have a very serious negative effect on the fishing community. JCAA requests that NO reduction in quota be made until an updated stock assessment and fishery management plan has been completed.
We urge all concerned anglers to try to attend these meetings. The location is:
Royal Senesta Harbor Baltimore
550 Light Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
Full details can be found at: