Was just cleaning out the basement and came across a copy of the 2007 NJ recreational minimum size placard.
I found it interesting to compare the regulations from a mere 10 years ago to what we have today.
Seriously, what have the regulations accomplished? In my opinion, they have done nothing. Today we have less fish and for some species (BSB) shifting open seasons.
Fluke regulations have gone from 8 fish at 17" to todays limit of 5@18". I would be super happy to have my 8@ 17". Now I catch 25 17" fish, throw them back and I bet 8 of those are going to die. So the regulations haven't really helped.
Blackfish were 8 fish at 14". Today its 6@ 15". Shifting seasons and possession limits make this fishery a PIA to abide by the regulations.
Black sea bass. in 2007 Recreational guys were allowed to keep 25 @12" with no closed season. Today with a great, healthy and robust fishery we have shifting dates with more stringent possession limits. Look at todays regulations, its too long for me to type them in.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out we are being royally screwed by people who have no idea what they are talking about.
We are on a very slippery slope and I fear the regulations will get worse.
I urge you to pay attention, attend the fisheries meetings, donate to the RFA.