Nice Fresh Water Striper - Newburyport MA
Been a while since I posted...a lot of good stuff going on so no complaints...feels good to be back. Catchiin up on the reports out there a bit and some crazy stuff going on for sure.
Saw some reports of Andy actually fishing and not just pulling tires.
Fast Eddie working instead of fishing!!!!
Getanet...Where you at Bro?
No night time pics of Jigman or mikeyt in over a week.
Wilson posting more helpful info than bustin balls....that'll get him going HA!
At least Skunk is still fishing from a Yak...only thing that's still normal out there.
Anyway...Took a trip up to Acadia National Park in Maine last week with my wife and youngest son. Stopped on the way back for a day of Striper fishing on the Merrimack River in Newburyport Mass...really nice place if you've never been. Highlight of the wife caught a 42" Striper live lining a big Bunker in 25 feet of water. Her biggest Striper to date.(Released to keep the population going) Unfortunately that was our only big fish but we had a good day with the "just-unders" using live and cut Spanish mackerel...had to move to the mouth of the river to get them though so those were technically salt water catches. Awesome time with the wife and boy for sure. Pic doesn't do the fish justice as she couldn't hold it up...HA! But to prove it happened.
Aint no sense in bein' stupid......unless ya show it!