Did anyone see this on the debate the other night?

Mr. Trump, as you know, the stores all have their Christmas decorations out for sale and it isn't even Thanksgiving yet. Will you state that no matter what others do, will you wish fellow Americans a Merry Christmas?

I want to go on record as being the first Presidential candidate to not only wish all Americans a Merry Christmas, but all fishermen as well!

Mr. Trump, that sounds like another campaign promise. What specifically will you do for fishermen, and ladies, and kids for this Christmas?

as you know, I have built skyscrapers, but for Christmas, I will build all Fishermen, ladies and kids, a Fish Poison rod.

That sounds like a lot to do by Christmas!?!???!!!!

Don't you worry, I'll get the best people, I'll get the guys from Fish Poison! they know what to do!!!! They build the best rods anywhere! You don't have to get your loved ones factory rods, where the guy in the factory doesn't even know what the rod does, yes sirreee, those Fish poison guys have been building Fish Killing Sticks for over 30 years!!!

will you throw in a Christmas card????

well, um, ah,

NO!!! but I will throw in a Fish Poison skulls and bones window decal!!! You can take that to the United Nations!