the important stuff with catching bait in trout stocked waters are the gear restrictions.
around trout time:
In trout stocked waters baitfish may be taken only with hook and line: from April 4 to June 15, or in waters open to fishing during the pre-season closure, from March 16 to June 15.
the rest of the year:
Not over 50 feet long in ponds and lakes over 100 acres; in all other waters not over 30 feet in length.
Exception: In trout-stocked waters and special regulation trout areas a seine may not be more than 10 feet in length and 4 feet in depth.
Minnow Trap
Not larger than 24 inches in length with a funnel mouth no greater than 2 inches in diameter.
Umbrella Net
No greater than 3.5 feet square.
Dip Net
Not more than 24 inches in diameter; may be used only for alewife or blueback herring.
Cast Net
No greater than 8 feet in diameter; may be used only in streams that are not trout-stocked or special regulation trout areas (may not be used in lakes).
Hook and Line
Maximum of nine single hooks or three hooks with three burrs per contrivance on all waters except the Delaware River where only three single hooks are permitted.
the policies are pretty restrictive actually.