The best hook for Texas/Wacky Rig Senko
I have been using a 2/0 EWG offset shank worm hook for wacky rigging and texas rigging either 4 or 5 inch senkos. It is effective and my question is not in regard to plain effectiveness. My concern lies with hooking smaller large mouth and small mouth bass. Being as one can’t control the size of the Bass that hits their lure, I am wondering if there is a better hook to use that will accommodate various sized Bass. The bigger ones I catch, I have hooked correctly through the mouth. But on occasion, with the smaller ones biting the hook with the extra wide gap, sometimes the hook point will go up through what seems to be the forehead or through the eye or around the eye through the eye socket. I have just recently started removing the barbs from the hooks, which makes removal much easier, particularly with the near eye penetrations. But still, I’d like to hear what conscientious bass anglers have to say about this. I would prefer to use an effective hook that minimizes the aforementioned types of hooksets on the smaller bass but is still effective for the bigger ones.
Also any comments on hook-setting would be welcomed as well. I think my hook setting is pretty good in that I never setting the hook in the gut area of the fish I am catching. But again, I would like to avoid hooking the smaller ones around the eye socket. Thanks.