Tough day on the water
Went out Sat for a trip to the Chicken for some sharking, trolling and whatever. New powerheads on my engine and I was ready to go. Left to dock at 4:30 A.M. for a great ride out. 40 mph all the way. I was out in less than two hours. 1.5 miles short of my destination I heard a loud pop and the starboard engine rev'd high. S##t it seems as I blew the lower unit. We hung out and fished for a couple of hour to no avail. It was time for the long run back. 68 miles on a single engine. 14.4 mph all the way. finally we rounded the tip of the hook and BANG, the other lower unit went. we are now powerless with an oil tanker looming toward us. seconds before impact a coast guard reserve pulled us out of the way. We waited with the coast guard till tow boat showed up to tow me back to the marina.
The good news:
Tow boat ins = No Charge for the tow
Almars outboards whom replaced the power heads gave a 3 year warranty on the whole engine. the boat is ready for pick up with brand new lower units at no cost. Wow, what a weekend