SBR Claremont Stretch 6/29/15 & 6/30/15
Figured with the cooler weather the past couple days, I would give trout fishing another go.
Fished last evening from about 6:30 to sunset. No insect hatches but the wild trout were very active. Did not see or get hits from wandering club fish and/or stocked rainbow trout. Finally ended my brook trout slump. Water temp was 65 so no fish pictures, just quick C&R.
Came back this morning and fished for few hours. Water temp was 60 when I started. Fish were more picky and less active, but still managed to catch a couple. Biggest surprise was catching a brookie in ankle deep water.
I was wondering what people here have caught at the deep pool just below the Patriot's Path Bridge. Today all I could catch was a perch. Had some trout follow my lures there, but no hits. I have caught wild browns on the upstream side of the bridge.