First few weeks of May 2015
I havent posted any reports in a while. I've been fishing a decent amount, but I just havent posted. It's one part laziness, one part new baby, one part exhaustion b/c I've been fishing solely at night from like 10 PM-3 AM.
Anyhow, I've had hybrid and catfish action on the 78 corridor with shines and livers. I've also had some success with walleye and carp on the Raritan and picked up an eye on the big lake fishing aboard the Green Hornet w/ Mikey Topaz. Eyes were caught on a variety of things from shiners, to soft plastics, to plugs. The carp were foul-hooked by-catch. Thought I may have had the walleye of a lifetime (twice!!!!), but it wasnt so. Nice fight though... Spent time fishing with JimmyLiveBait (he nailed a nice smallie and a fat walleye on the raritan) and shucker, too. I need to get my ass aboard the GetANet II... hopefully some time this weekend!!!
Here's some porn... catch em' up!
"There's no losing in fishing. You either catch or you learn."