popular beliefs you don't follow
so i was thinking of all those widely believed and popular fishing procedures, tactics, etc. and how I just don't believe some of them.
I probably get the most flak for using left hand retrieve baitcasting reels and i'm a righty...i want my more coordinated arm for casting, working the lure, etc. why would i hold the rod in my left hand to reel with my right? sure i could force learn casting with my left and working a lure with my left...but why would i do that when i can just use a left hand retrieve reel?
on a big game trolling or shark rod/conventional reel or something i can see having a right hand retrieve... i mean if you're not casting it really or working a lure it doesn't matter.
there that's my rant, feel free to comment on it, but i'll never accept your arguments of using a right hand retrieve baitcaster if you're a righty haha.
post up your own 'against popular belief' fishing habits