Re: Opinions: Merc - Opti Max , 2010, 434 hours
Im very familiar w optis i know them inside out. They r good for 1000plus hours w no major issues usually. This is running them heavy seasonally. Plugs every 100hrs they r the expensive irridium ones. U need to watch the compressor on top of motor most fail to lube it properly every season and this is main powerhead failure it pumps the oil in essence. They r easy on gas actually my 150 opti 2012 is easier on gas than my suzuki 4stroke. Have the engines scanned for hours and check for updates to the ECU they had a bunch in late 2011 will also give u any codes in history and any alarms that ever happened. Make sure zincs are good alot of ppl like magnesium too on those. The early 2000s era had sum issues the last couple years they are great. Love mine best 2 stroke dfi out IMO.