I have an old 3.5HP Gamefisher kicking around that runs great, so I'd like to put on my 16' fiberglass canoe, which happens to be rated for a 3HP. Of course, in the great state of NJ it's not that easy...

I know that it needs to be registered, but in order to register it you need either a bill of sale or a title. The backstory on the canoe is that my uncle gave it to me years ago and has since passed away as has my aunt. Any paperwork they would have had on it is long gone. To my knowledge, unpowered craft like canoes and kayaks aren't titled anyway. It does have a HID # stamped on the stern sheer.
I've heard a million different versions of what to do first in this situation (Go to the Marine Police, go to DMV, get a notarized bill of sale, etc...)-is there anyone who has gone through this process start to finish who can advise me? From what I understand, the Marine Police will run the HID # to make sure it's not stolen and as long as it comes up clean, it can be registered. Is the paperwork they give me sufficient to register it at DMV, or will I still need some kind of bill of sale? In that case I could have a friend "sell" it to me for $100 if they really want some kind of piece of paper. It's a lot of hoops to jump through for 3HP on a canoe, but the motor is perfectly good and sitting there doing nothing, and it sure beats paddling!