crabing/turtles id?
Hit the barnagat for some crabs this morning with the uncle due to a lovely day of weather. Looked around a couple of my land spots and found a bunch of no ttrespassing signs witch of course didnt please me! Finally ended up at a early season bass spots. Set up shop 6 trap and 8 handlines and right from the get gohand lines were taking off about 9am we had a half bushel traps were catching 6 and 7 at a time with a keeper mixed in. Then the ultimate watching the traps line go pulling down the beach my uncle dives on it i thought blue fish but as he pulls it up we see this turtle. Only him! Now i was wondering a)what kind of turtle? Im prety sure a snapper but is it common for barnagat? I know weve caught them up here in the Raritan but there no real creeks in the area down there
Use it up -- wear it out", make it do or do without!!!!