Solo Mission 6/17....................................
I had the itch that last night the bite was gonna be on so I decided to hit a different place than my usual night spot. When I got there I wondered if I made the right choice, sweating profusely and battling the insects. Not much happening for the better part of the evening. I kept myself amused by watching the fire flies twinkling like a light show and listening for some action. Few splashes here and there but the FF was lit up with bait and fish so I knew it was only hopefully a matter of time. Cast after cast nothing then finally the big orange moon came up and about one a.m. all hell broke loose! Bait bustin everywhere cannon balls flying!!! At one point I just stood there and looked around wondering where to cast next. Finally I had one swipe it at the boat but no hook up, cast,cast,cast change lures on and on and finally another fish on battling like a quality fish. As it neared the boat it made a power run straight down into the abyss and the hook pulls! Lucky there wasn't many people on the water cause the obsenities were flying! LOL Cast and cast and change it up and finally hook up with a nice fattie! Oh man I got the lure now I'm thinking and next cast launched it into the brush and donated it to the fish gods! Kept at it for a while but no more hook ups had a couple blow ups but it was so crazy and getting late that I finally waved the white flag and bailed about two thirty a.m. Home and in bed by three thirty and then off to work!
Heading back on friday for round two!!!! Tired and don't feel like spending a half hour posting the pic so u will just have to close your eyes and use your imagination!!! LOL
I think my bunker snagger is coming with me next time!
Trolling My Life Away!!!
Member of H.A.A (Hybrid Anglers Anonymous)
16 Ft Princecraft DLX
9.9 Johnson
Last edited by GetANet; 06-18-2014 at 07:09 PM..