Andreas Toy First Canyon Run
Had long time customer Adam Conley with buddies Brian "Marlin" and Dave. Plan was to hit the Toms Canyon, but at the last minute decided to hit the Hudson instead. Got lines in at grey light and found life right away, trolled both elbows no bites. Picked up and ran to the square right before we got there found the life, thousands of tuna chicks, mammals, and tons of bait, pounded the area and get getting covered up in skipjack. Kept trying pulled off one good fish and decided to tilefish, too much wind and fast drift so we bailed on that. Tried to hit the pots but water too cold. Decided to run inshore and hit some cod for wrecks, just bluefish and ocean pout. Shifted gears and started a shark drift, with fresh skipjack and bluefish fillets no figured we would crush them. No bites and no life in the slick, wtf!!! After a long day of trying Adam said too pull the plug. What a frustrating day! Tried my best but no species wanted to play. Will get those mofos next time!