Shark Chum, rigs, Harpoons, and Flying Gaffs
With the shark season right around the corner , and Makos being caught , now is the time to get your list ready for your offshore adventure. We have in stock, and ready to go , Bluefish Chum, Bunker Chum, Slabs of Mackerel. Whole Bluefish, Shark Rigs , Giant Squid, Deep Drop Rods ,Electric Reels , and Kites. Extra 2 lb. spools of line , and if you need that spare rod on board , we can make arrangements to rent you one . If you are thinking about heading out this weekend , or in the next couple of weeks , call ahead and reserve your bait . Our new scale has arrived ,and just waiting to get it certified, with a 3000 lb. maximum load rating , we are just waiting for you to bring it that trophy fish and hoist it up . Remember , make that check list and if you need any help, we are here for you ...We open at 4:30 am. Monday through Friday...4:am. Sat. and Sun....And open until 8 pm. every night except Sunday , when we close at 7 pm... Pete ...732 787 2248
Atlantic Bait Tackle
Formely Atlantic Highlands Bait and Tackle
Now located at
25 Route 36 East
Middletown NJ
Just passed CVS on Route 36 East