Re: Your favorite Charter boat(s)
I might be out of line with what I'm about to say but going to give it a shot anyway and hope it's received in the spirit it's intended. Non sponsors should not be mentioned for obvious reasons. I'm not sure site sponsors should be ranked or judged relative to one another. Sponsors pay a fee to promote their business here and the way your asking the question almost by default means if a charter is not mentioned their service might be considered inferior. Not sure if I were a charter captain paying NJF to promote my business I'd appreciate an open ended survey that might hurt my business. Charter and party boat evaluations as with all service businesses are based on individual experiences and preferences and one person's preference may not be the same as someone else's. That being the case, the question you ask for your own benefit is very open ended and responses could be at the detriment of paying sponsors of this site.
Like I said I don't want to offend anyone by this post but to me the answer to your question is support the charter and party boat sponsors we have which make this site available to us all and choose the ones you're most comfortable with. I'm sure they all work hard to make your day on the water an enjoyable one.