Atlantic bait and tackle now open
Finally , looks like the weather is starting to break and time for me to start putting in the hours. We will be open every day from 6am until 3 pm. for the remainder of February. As the season progresses , we will extend our hours. Thursday , we should be getting some fresh clams in ,and for those of you who have had enough couch time , shopping with the wife/girlfriend/ and plain tired of shoveling snow, with the temperature rising and somewhat feeling like spring ....might be worth a shot to go drown a clam or two and hang out at the beach. We have received some of our new inventory , and having made a special purchase on foul weather gear, we can offer all Calcutta foul weather gear at 25% off ticketed price. The coffee is always on , so stop by ,and get out of the house ...Looking foward to a better season than last year.....Hope to see you soon .....Pete.....And as always, arrangements can be made to pick up bait after hours....Thanks
Atlantic Bait Tackle
Formely Atlantic Highlands Bait and Tackle
Now located at
25 Route 36 East
Middletown NJ
Just passed CVS on Route 36 East