Scooped some shiners at Behre's and hit the shore at RVR from 7-10 on Saturday. Nada for me. Couple guys set up with bait before I got there had a few fish. A pair of just keeper sized bows and one guy had a 24" RVTA tagged bow in his cooler. I think he's the friend of cmoran...recognized his face from some pics.
Anyhow, left there as baiting and waiting got old. Headed to the South Branch and had immediate action. Lot's a fly guys above the Gorge--I didnt see any of them catch anything. I managed to land 4 bows, jumped a few off and rolled a couple of short strikes. Not a bad day though. TONS of turkeys calling all over the place, too.
Here's a video of the fish I landed. It's not great but def a medium I plan on using more often.
Catch em' up!