I started the day with about 2 hours of blowing leaves out of the gutters and then doing the whole yard before the rain came. At about 10 AM the rain started and I put away the lawn tools, put on some light weight dry gear and headed to a couple of spots on the river. WOW, what a great couple of hours !!! The first 2 spots produced double digit pike and 1 small LMB. Again, I don't think any of the pike were under 28", and all solid with great color.
I loaded up the kayak in the car and headed to another spot that I had to drag the kayak through the woods to save a 30 minute paddle. I haven't fished this spot in about 4 weeks and it seemed like the pike were just waiting for one of my spinner baits. The third cast into a deep hole and I hooked into the fattest pike of the day. This thing took me for a ride before getting it to a bank to get a couple of pictures. This pike was low to mid 30 inches, but was as fat as just about any pike caught this fall. I know when I try to put my hand behind the head and have trouble holding it, that it was a great fish...
Here are a couple pictures from the last fat guy !
I am not sure how many hunters we have here, but I just shot this buck on Tuesday, which will now give me plenty of time to hit the salt water for stripers and the river for pike.
If I made 1000 cast today, I would say that I came up with leaves in about 900 of those casts. The leaves were coming down so hard when I left, that there was just about no open water to cast.
Danny V