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Oct 25-27 Kayak Jamboree to benefit Heroes on the Water - NJ - NJFishing.com Your Best Online Source for Fishing Information in New Jersey

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Old 09-29-2013, 10:11 PM
JonDevin's Avatar
JonDevin JonDevin is offline
NJFishing.com Old Salt
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Ringwood, NJ
Posts: 1,605
Thumbs up Oct 25-27 Kayak Jamboree to benefit Heroes on the Water - NJ

First, thank you Gerry and friends at NJFishing.com for allowing me to post this up. Many of you have been outstanding supporters of HOW-NJ. In just a year and a half, we have become one of the model chapters out of 40 nationwide and in the U.K. and Australia. We live in a very densely populated area and it shows in how many wounded vets take advantage of our program. This jamboree last year helped fund a fleet of 10 kayaks and a trailer, but we regularly have 20+ vets come to our events. In fact, our last event of the season will be on Oct 5th and we have 36 vets coming. We beg and borrow to get folks to bring extra kayaks and gear. So we are looking to get another fleet of kayaks and trailer, along with additional salt and sweet-water rods and reels.

This event is a great time! Just a bunch of us having fun. Last year I caught an 8# tog under a bridge to win the tog calcutta. I was given a bag of money at the awards ceremony, which I promptly donated right to HOW-NJ. But I retained the bragging rights and I have another month to brag before I have to defend the title. How 'bout some of you kayak sharpies come down and take me on for the under-the-bridge-tog-title?

Don't have a kayak? No problem. Call The Kayak Fishing Store and they'll rent you one for the day. Their shop is right where we launch!


Jersey Cape Kayak Fishing & The Kayak Fishing Store
Present the 4th Annual Cape May Kayak Fishing Jamboree for NJ Chapter of Heroes on the Water

The 4th Annual Cape May Kayak Fishing Jamboree is slated for Friday, 10/25/13 through Sunday, 10/27/13. In the strictest of terms, this event is not a tournament. It’s a gathering of friends for the camaraderie found within this sport. We leave the formalities out. For this reason, we use a Jamboree (whatever/whenever/however) format. Entry fee has been set at $50.00 per person and 100% of the profits will be donated to the NJ Chapter of Heroes on the Water.

Captain's Meeting;
A NON-mandatory meet and greet bon-fire meeting will be held on Friday, October 25, 2013 at 6pm, at the Lake Laurie Campground (Event Headquarters) located in Erma, NJ. (Address and info attached here)

For bragging rights, and for those with a competitive spirit, we will be having some prizes and a few Calcutta’s. Target species will be Striped Bass, Weakfish, Bluefish, Fluke and Tautog. Individual species, Slam and Grand Slam categories will be created if voted on at the Capt Meeting.

Almost everyone stays at the Lake Laurie Campground. (We had the entire campground to ourselves for the last 3 years) Plenty of clean bathrooms, showers and laundry are on site. The staff there is awesome and is now under new ownership. If you weren’t there, talk to someone that was. You’ll be told not to miss it.

We are planning; kayak fishing clinics, sponsor booths, on the water kayak demos, and fresh water fishing within the tournament headquarters all through the weekend long event. Each participant will receive an event T-shirt and dinner at the banquet to be held on Saturday at 5pm.

If you have any questions about the event or would like to become a sponsor or exhibitor, please feel free to email or call us at;

Charlie LaBar Lunchbox Charliel@jckf.net
Chris Parson SJ Fish Whisperer chris@jckf.net
Bob Miller Mullet Miller bob@jckf.net
Charlie Hackman SeaFlea charlieh@jckf.net

Fishing Hours;
Friday, October 25 at 8pm until Sat, October 26 at 5pm.
Pictures for Calcutta MUST BE IN BY 5PM!!!! There will be NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

Catch, Photo and Release is recommended, but there are no penalties for keeping legal sized and in season fish.

SD cards must be in by 5pm to score your catch.

There are 4 this year;

These are $5 each and 100% payback. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR $$$ IN FOR THE CALCUTTA BY THE CAPTAINS MEETING YOU WILL NOT BE IN THE CALCUTTA!!! If you can not attend the Capt Meeting make sure that you email one of us and let us know which Calcutta’s you want to enter. We will enter you.

NJ Bag Limits; http://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/pdf/2011/maregsum11.pdf

CPR is encouraged, but not mandatory

Striped Bass (2) fish 28” and greater

Summer Fluke CLOSED

Winter Flounder CLOSED

Tautog (1) fish greater than 15”

Weakfish (1) fish greater than 13”

Bluefish (15) fish no size limit

Black Drum (3) fish greater than 16”

Red Drum (1) slot from 18”-27”

Recommended Bait info;

Clam, Green Crabs, Mullet, Spot

**Shops in this area DO NOT carry Sand Worms or Asian Crabs. You’ll need to bring your own**

Bait and Tackle;

Jersey Bait and Tackle 124 West Chestnut Avenue, North Wildwood, NJ 08260 609-522-7060. They are heavily stocked and ready for us.

Tides Fri, Sat, Sun
Nummy Island, Grassy Sound Channel, New Jersey
39.0283° N, 74.8017° W

2013-10-25 12:57 AM EDT 3.56 feet High Tide
2013-10-25 6:37 AM EDT 0.91 feet Low Tide
2013-10-25 7:19 AM EDT Sunrise
2013-10-25 1:01 PM EDT 3.98 feet High Tide
2013-10-25 6:06 PM EDT Sunset
2013-10-25 7:36 PM EDT 0.85 feet Low Tide
2013-10-26 1:48 AM EDT 3.48 feet High Tide
2013-10-26 7:20 AM EDT Sunrise
2013-10-26 7:32 AM EDT 1.09 feet Low Tide
2013-10-26 1:51 PM EDT 3.86 feet High Tide
2013-10-26 6:05 PM EDT Sunset
2013-10-26 7:42 PM EDT Last Quarter
2013-10-26 8:36 PM EDT 0.92 feet Low Tide
2013-10-27 2:39 AM EDT 3.49 feet High Tide
2013-10-27 7:21 AM EDT Sunrise
2013-10-27 8:39 AM EDT 1.15 feet Low Tide
2013-10-27 2:42 PM EDT 3.80 feet High Tide
2013-10-27 6:04 PM EDT Sunset
2013-10-27 9:35 PM EDT 0.86 feet Low Tide

The Kayak Fishing Store will be open;
Thursday 8am – 6pm
Friday 6am – 5pm
Saturday 4am – 2pm (We will have coffee for everyone)
Sunday 11pm – 6pm

We carry everything you will need for this event including Kayak Carl TnW’s and other tackle. WE DO NOT CARRY BAIT. Please go to Jersey B&T.

Lake Laurie Campground;
669 Route 9, Cape May, NJ-08204
Captain of the FishPedaller V
13' 5" Hobie Mirage Revolution

Last edited by JonDevin; 09-29-2013 at 10:55 PM..
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