Lost Em'..
Went chubbin fri after work w/ 20 min sunlight left managed one bad larry of a cub man(12-13in).. Got up to mountain lake at 7 last nite so stoked to be their 4 PRIME TIME!! Well.. turns out he wasn't so bad after all.. after I rigged him up 30 sec..he just lost his fighting will to live n went belly up after few mins.. Deff. bummed out!! trew my (small) musky arsenal N decided to work larry in a jerk pause retrieve.. by this time it was dark dark 4 like 20min.. 10 feet from shore felt a snag n popped free n instant snag again I knew it was a fish.. I tried rippin its face off on the hook set w/ my surf rod and naild em' my 3rd hooked musky and there was no way I was budgein this mofo.. fought em' for a good min maby 1.30 sec.. Pullin as hard as I could w/ 9'6 Heavy Ug stick.. He was pullin just as fkn hard lol..Splashy stalemate.. swong em lefttt n then righttt n next turn hook popped!!! Surprisingly I wasnt to bummed since it was real dark n would have been a tricky release.. but compared to past one's I got.. this fish was BIGG..way bigger.. So I got the bite n felt the power no harm done w/"quick" release im chalkin it up a WIN..
Weres a store w/a good selection of musky lures round these here parts??