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Old 04-07-2008, 04:15 PM
Gerry Zagorski's Avatar
Gerry Zagorski Gerry Zagorski is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Edison, NJ
Posts: 11,425
Default How Did You Get Into Fishing?

All these sweet water reports got me thinking of how I got into fishing.... Thought it would make an interesting topic for the board. Brought back some great memories and am hoping it will do the same for others....

Please share your story....Here is mine:

I got the fishing bug from my Uncle Al in PA.... He was an outdoorsmen and loved to fish and hunt. Whenever he'd come out and visit our family he always found time to take me and my brother Joe fishing or crabbing. He was also a very colorful guy and like most hunters and fisherman, he could weave a tale a mile long. It was a gift he had. He could make a story about going to go to the grocery store a NY Times best seller and he also had a heart for kids. I could sit around listening to him for hours, hanging on every word as he'd reaccount his " adventures in the bush". He was quite a guy and one of those people you meet as a kid that has a profound effect on your life.

I also have some great memories of opening day of trout season in my youth..... It was like the days leading up to Christmas.... We'd sleep over my cousin's house in Clark and fish the Rahway River. During the summer we'd ride our Stingray bikes to Roosevelt Park and fish for sunnies and catfish with worms we dug up in Mom's garden. I remember the days leading up to opening day. I'd find myself in places like Herman's Sporting Goods for hours eyeing up all the stuff I needed and would buy with the money I earned doing chores or got for a birthday... I still find myself in tackle stores for hours checking everything out. Some things never change.

Like most everyone else, life got very busy for me in my late teens and early twenties and I only got to fish occationally. Work, school and a new family were the priorities then. However, every Spring I'd set up a fishing trip with the guys, usually up to the Thousand Islands. Been doing it for 20 years now and we've traveled to a number of different places. I'm always greatful to have this opportunity since many of us only manage to get together this one time a year. Always a good time and more materials for fishing stories.

I got into salt water fishing a bit later in life.... I was invited to go out on a night Bluefish trip and was instanly hooked..... A few years later I got a nice tax refund and came home and announced to my wife Ruth that we bought a boat. $4000 with a slip in Morgan Marina paid for the season. I had a lot of fun but dumped more money into that old tub (the boat that is ) then I care to recount. Turned out that Ruth gets sea sick so I thought it only fitting to name the boat Ruthless .

I've been fishing and boating in the Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook areas since the late 80s, when a Striper was big news at the dock. My brother Joe and I still fish together often. It's a great chance for us to get away from the daily grind and spend time quality time together with our friends and family. It's also a great opportunity to follow along in Uncle Al's foot steps and pass along the love and enjoyment of this great sport to others.

Up until ten years ago, Uncle Al would still come to visit and I'd gladly clear my calendar for the chance to spend more time with him and to take him out fishing. The last time we fished together was with his son in law and grandson Timmy. We went out on our boat and he and I just sat back and beamed from ear to ear watching his grandson Tim catch his first ever salt water fish. It was only fitting that we slammed the Weakfish that day and all the while he was sharing his stories. I'd heard them all a thousand times but they never got old. Unlce Al has since passed on. I think about him often and still miss him very much. If there is a stream or field in heaven he's all over it, or telling stories about it.

Make it a priority to take kid fishing this season, yours or someone elses.... Leave the Gameboy at the dock and give them your undivided attention. You never know, you might just change a kids life. It certainly changed mine.

Gerry Zagorski <><

Founder/Owner of NJFishing.com since 1997
Proud Supporter of Heroes on the Water
28 Carolina Classic
Sandy Hook Area

Last edited by Gerry Zagorski; 04-07-2008 at 04:34 PM..

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