Re: Help Needed Please Read
Fracking doesn't cause environmental damage? How do you know? This shoddily regulated method that uses chemicals nobody really knows about is scary to me. Why won't these corporations tell the public what, exactly, these chemicals are is proof enough to me that they're no good. I'll tell you this: I wouldn't swim right by the old Dutch Boy Paint factory outfall pipe on the Raritan River and I sure as s**t wouldn't drink water that had fracking chemicals in it.
This pipeline would increase the desire to frack in our region and why the f*** would we wan't to export any of that gas anyway? Shouldn't we keep all that gas here in the good old USA to make our energy costs lower? Oh, right. If we export it to Europe or somewhere the corporations who don't give a rats ass about you or me will make more profit.
This whole thing is no f*****g good. Plain and simple. "Offshore structure" my ass. Homeland security wouldn't let you within 5 miles of that thing.
Last edited by fishguy; 07-10-2013 at 09:29 PM..