Ocean Fishing / Striped Bass Report Card
Charter boat captain, headboat captains, old saltz.. lend me your ears.....
Get on your soapboxes and mail in your .02 cents....
Lets hear it.....Want to see if mind are thinking alike or if I can learn something new today...
As we all know the spring migration / ocean fishing has not meet the expectation for a majority of anglers who target fishing for striped bass along the ocean coast of NJ.
From my observations, weather has played an intrical part of this seasons bass fishing. The bait situtation has also not been to my liking based on past seasons.
Can't say the fishing pressure has been a major factor with a lot of boats still in dry dock.
Are we starting to feel the pinch of yrs of putting a beat down on these monster fish?
While I am not throwing in the towel, since we have another 30 days of evidence to gather, I feel like we are at the midpoint.
I would appreciate peoples feedback and theories on this year spring season. This thread is intended for mature audiences, let keep this objective and not intended to negatively impact people comments.
Last edited by Michael82929; 06-17-2013 at 02:56 PM..