Met Jimmy and Dale at Lees at 8 pm and off we went. Awesome vessel Jimmy! Started off bouncing around to see what we could find. Finally got on some Eyes around 10 or so. I put 5 Eyes in the boat with the biggest being 5 lbs. Dales first night on Hopatcong was good as he boated a solid 4 lb Eye and a sweet 5.8 lb Wiper. Jimmy got 2 nice Wipers for the night, a solid 6.2 was the biggest for him. Nice fish guys and great to fish with 2 die hard NJF MEMBERS. Good times had by all even though the wind was a beast out of the NW around 15 mph. Jimmy, we gotta do it again!!! WHOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOO!!! TIGHT LINEZ!!!