Well after a couple weeks of slow pickings and short fish, last night I made it happen. Loaded the kayaks up, grabbed herring from Dow's and was on the water by 8pm. Nothing going on at sunset besides a small Pickerel. Sun went down and the fish came up. Followed the herring around and found the fish. A few slab Crappie to get warmed up, then came the fun. Picked up my first Hybrid of '13, went about 21" or so. A few minutes later, got my first Hopatcong Walleye, healthy 21" fish as well. At about midnight, things went crazy. Witnessed my first freshwater striper blitz! Watched these things crush herring, jumping out of the water, bait flying all over! Tossed my herring into it and in less than 5 seconds I was hooked onto a Porsche 911. Fish kicked my ass, dragged my kayak, and peeled drag like crazy. Finally netted it and it was a beast. Fish measured a tad under 28" and was thick. Soaked me in the process, but CPR'd to get even bigger. Got into some Yellow Perch as well, but this monster made my night. Was off the water by 3am. Helluva night kayak fishing the big lake!