Originally Posted by Ol Pedro
Could it be that there are so many part timers with 6 pac tickets ? We all know at least one guy in our Inlet that does it because It's an extention of his hobby . He just wants to write off his boat/expenses and fish when he wants to . Carry a few charters/open partys break even. Most of the part timers that I know are good people who fish hard and need the money. attrition doesn't work if it's not a major part of your Living Expenses .
That is what i am getting at here and mostly everyones comments are falling into the same area. I have brought this up before.. why do people sell themselves short? If you are charging 100 per man for a 6 pack and the guy next marina over is charging 125-140 why would you not charge more and be up to par with everyone else? The answers is simple, they do not need to do that much per day to cover their costs since likely they are either not looking at a full time gig or they are not looking to do anything but fish. So why do it? Take cape may for instance, used to be one of the largest striped bass fleets down there, everyone did it and for good money, then the little part time and even some full time guys came in and took a dump on the industry, now it was the old "why fish with boat 1 for 130 a guy, when i can go and fish with boat 2, for 60 bucks for 5 hours.. the difference is clear i most eyes yet some do not see it.
I also see pretty good fishermen come into the industry and sell themselves short. why charge 100 per guy for an inshore trip when you can get 125-140 or whatever all day long? why not make the most you can out of our short shitty seasons up here?
Same with offshore, why charge 2500 for an overnighter when you can charger 3300-3800 and make more money and be up to par with everyone else?