Jersey Jigger Rods at Saltwater Expo this week
We will be at the show with Canyon Reels, with a few racks loaded with some rods. A few of you are picking up your finished rods, but we will have some pre-made for sale at the show too.
Some of the models include:
- Jersey Jigger Jigging Rods, from 125g up to 600g models. ( 5'8" - 6'6" )
- Deep Drop Rods rated to 48ozs , weighing less than 16ozs , 7'6" length
- Jersey Special Rods ( Jig - Chunk - Troll -------- One rod does all 3! )
- Popping Rods 125g up to 600g - Lengths 7'6" to 8'6"
Our rods ares all made in house, with a LIFETIME WARRANTY! We do NOT outsource our building. Starting at $269
Looking forward to meeting a few of you picking up your rods and those who want to stop by to say hello. Its always a good gathering, with good information to be had.