Hello Everyone!
I used braided line (sufix 832) on one of my spinner reels last year for the first time. This reel is used for ponds and lakes, with LMB as the primary target. After using it for a season, even though I did have one or two instances of "nesting", I was able to recover, and have enjoyed the benefits of the braided line.
I was planning on putting braid, or even superline like Fireline on the spinning reels I use for stripers, and surf. Now I am familiar with the diameter differences which brings to light my questions:
Reels are built to hold a specific diameter of line, which on mine, are measured against monofilament. So, let's say I have a reel that should have at least 20# on it; the grooves etched in the reel are made to hold that size line. Now should I use a braided line that has the same diameter as the 20# mono so that the grooves work properly, or does it not matter and I could put on much more 20# braid since it it thinner?
Also, what would be the ramifications of say putting 150 yds of mono on the reel, putting a layer of electrical tape, and putting another 100 yds of braid? will it affect the performance of the braid? I for one, have never used the line that low on my spool.
Any tips, feedback are appreciated!
Thanks in advance!