Re: RFA-NJ 4th Annual Fluke / Seabass Fish A Thon Trip
Just posted the below with details of our trip on the Fresh water forum. trying to entice some of our sweet water friends to join us on the trip. Why not mix it up and meet some new people!
I know this is a Saltwater Post but throwing it on here to see if any of you sweet water guys want to join us, meet some new fishermen and basically enjoy a day on the water with fellow NJfishing .com sorts. Its Fluke and Seabass so right up your alley and your tackle would work too. Maybe we could spice it up with a special salt water vs fresh water pool.
I will personally donate some bucks to a fresh water foundation of Andy S choice for every sign up we get from you sweet water guys to entice you further. So lets hear from you.
Andy, if this is out of line for your forum feel free to remove or do wjatever you think best. Just trying to fill the trip and meet some of you guys at the same time.
RFA-NJ Member