ANDE rods crap?
Alright, I probably would have never opted to purchase these brand new in the store, but I came across a deal that involved a shimano baitrunner 4500 that was worth the whole lot, which included 3 of these ande rods, and two other reels. My brother got one of the ANDE's and I got two. My brother snapped his in the first week just by battling a small bluefish. I figured, alright well it was probably his own fault somehow. It was not until a week ago that I started doubting that, as the 11' ANDE surf rod I've been using started doing something weird that I can't quite explain, involving the reel spinning around the rod while staying in place at the same time. But even that, I thought, "well they are used, maybe this is just coincidence.." until today, when the small one I've been using for plugging/jigging just snaps two eyes from the tip for NO apparent reason. I've never had ANY other brand cause me so many headahces no matter how cheap!! I take good care of my equipment and cannot think of anything I could have done to have made them last any longer. Complete garbage. Anyone else have experience with their rods?
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